Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tda 2.9support Children and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour

TDA 2.9 1.1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young peoples positive behaviour. St Oswalds Catholic Primary School aim to create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour and positive attitudes, and this is done through promoting the school Behaviour Policy. Our school maintains a consistent approach to behaviour at all times and by all members of the school community. Aims of the behaviour policy: To promote a positive ethos in the school through encouraging a shared understanding of the values which underpin our school ethos To create a consistent environment that expects, encourages and recognises good behaviour and one in which everyone feels†¦show more content†¦We display the school’s rules, rewards and consequence systems and explain them in the school prospectus. There is a Home/School agreement which is signed by pupils, parents and teachers. We expect parents to read these and support them. If the school has to use reasonable consequences as the result of unacceptable behaviour, parents should support the actions of the school. If parents have any concern about the way that their child has been treated, they should initially contact the class teacher. The Deputy and Assistant Head may then be involved, then the Headteacher and, if the concern remains, they should contact the school governors. We expect parents to behave in a reasonable and civilised manner towards all school staff, as professionals, and that issues will be dealt in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. Incidents of verbal or physical aggression to staff by parents/guardians/carers of children in the school will be reported immediately to the Headteacher and/or Governors who will take appropriate action in line with Local Authority Policy. TDA 2.9 Procedures Our school aims to provide a healthy balance between recognition and consequences. Pupils should learn to expect recognition for positive behaviour and fair and consistently applied consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Recognition is seen as a procedure for promoting positive behaviour and is displayed in the following

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